Friday, August 22, 2008

Are you 'you' or somebody else ?

I have always wondered what's the true character of a person. Which is why I ask the question in the subject. It has always intrigued me to observe people's behavior and it makes it more interesting to observe this in the presence of different people.

I am sure you will all agree that we are all not the same people everywhere. We react to the same situation differently , depending on the situation/people surrounding us. I'll call this environment henceforth. I have even seen people whose accent changes , depending on whom they are talking to , and this happens sub-consciously.We all suffer MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder) of some sort :)

The important aspect I am trying to figure out is , what percentage of our character is well and truly ours? What number is theoretically a good one ? Or , is it valid to define one in the first place?

There are two possibilities , you are inclined to either being yourself or being well adapted to the environment. If you are the former , you are generally more confident with yourself , take quick decisions (the decisions may not all be right), you are more satisfied with yourself and are unperturbed by criticism from the environment. The latter category are liked well by a lot of people , satisfy others needs, can keep everybody happy , but at some point reach a stage where they are not happy with themselves.
I don't know where I fall , but a gut feeling tells me I am in the latter (not that I am unhappy with myself :-P) .

So the 'character' word , I feel , has got so much to do with the environment. Nobody seems to have an absolute pure character. When I say pure I don't mean clean , but nascent , unaffected by others.

No two people will react to the same situation , in a similar way. If they do , we tend to call them people with 'similar' characters. Let us not consider the similar character case. Dissimilar characters will definitely react differently , but some reactions are not welcome by the majority of the people and these guys get categorized as the insane/absurd or just a strange person. People should probably look at the positive aspect and say " This guy is different , he lives for himself , does not care or does not know about what is right or wrong with the others ".

Others who react to the taste of the people are probably consciously satisfying the taste of the environment , they may not be true to themselves or to you. You never know. The world is a strange place , with a lot of strange people , thinking not only their minds but also recursively reading other minds and giving reactions which may be pseudo-genuine. Just enjoy every body's company , grab the positives and live your life. That's the mantra for joy.

PS: If it were so easy to follow , my life wouldn't suck ;-)

Now , what do you think about me ? Until next time...


I am Madhu said...

I think you are one who can adjust to your environment and yet be yourself.

But in general, i had couple of things to add/supplement this article.

1. Let us consider people who change to their environment (the set you refer to as "makes others happy, but personally might be unhappy"). Well this is quite true. But what if this "changing nature" is his true nature. What if the person's character is to change his personality to the environment like a chameleon?(some one like u ;) ). Cant he be happy then?

2. Regarding characters, I for one believe that we all are here to play our characters in the drama staged by God.

Nice article!

Balakrishna said...

1. It is quite possible that the person's character keeps changing and that is his/her character. He/She will probably be happy if it is , until they reach a point in life where they think who am I ? What is special about me ? And what is , my 'character' ?

2. Completely agree. Play your part , and leave. Do no more or less.